
Showing posts from January, 2023

How Direct Mail Analytics Can Make Your Marketing Campaign More Successful

Direct mail marketing can be an incredibly powerful and effective form of advertising for businesses of all kinds. However, the success of any such campaign depends on targeting the correct prospective customers, which is something many companies find challenging. For example, what age is your ideal customer? Are homeowners or renters more likely to follow up on your plastic postcard mailer? If you don’t know this information, you stand to lose thousands of dollars sending your mailers to demographics who are unlikely to respond to your offer. The answers to these questions and more can be found through the use of Direct Mail Analytics , and here are the three key ways that your business can use analytics to help make your direct mail campaign more successful. Create Targeted Buyer Profiles Whatever your business offers, there is a certain profile that represents your typical buyer: a particular age range, location, household income, and so on. Understanding who your buyer is allow

Best Practices For Direct Mail Design

To make sure you get a better conversion rate and  ROI  your  direct mail  needs to stand out and give the desire for the customer to take action.  Every part of your custom direct mail piece should follow what we feel are the best practices for direct mail design. These direct mail pieces should be 1.     Be attention-grabbing 2.     Be engaging 3.     Create a desire 4.     Prompt action Direct Mail Graphic Design is all about creating that desire to prompt an action. The action of the consumer popping out the trackable card to bring to the consumer. This increases your chances of success and a good ROI, here are some direct mail design best practices to consider when planning your campaigns. Engaging Your direct mail piece should stand out with your brand colors, bold text, and an amazing offer. Proper Images You want images that support your campaign and provide clarification. You also want to make sure you are using professional quality images and that the size

Top 9 Tips For Sending Real Estate Direct Mail

Surprisingly the real estate direct mail marketplace is not considered heavily competitive. While this can sound like a great opportunity there are still some negatives: a large portion of recipients will end up throwing real estate direct mail away before even reading it. A glaring fact about direct mail is that the recipient will automatically assume you are trying to profit from them. In this case, Real Estate Direct Mail Marketing has to get your message across in a clear and concise way. This will give you a higher chance of the recipient reading and even responding to your offer. The main goal of real estate direct mail marketing is to target the right recipients at the opportune time with the perfect message. Here are 9 useful tips to give you the highest chance of achieving this: 1. Targeting The Perfect Audience: Creating the perfect audience for your message means nothing if no one is listening. So you will want to take a moment and decide just who exactly your targ

New Laminated Postcards Digitally Printed by DynamiCard

With the addition of plastic postcards, more information can be added to the advertisement without fear of the messages being destroyed. Below is more on the new laminated postcards digitally printed by DynamiCard. How is this possible? Die cut Laminated Postcard Mailers keep the mailer strong, and durable and will add a vibrant look to all the ink colors. There are a number of film thicknesses used in this process, which can assist in ensuring your wholesale laminated mailer printing is well worth the investment. The durability and resilience of a plastic postcard are very attractive to not only advertisers but consumers as well. They can be used to promote contests, scratch-and-win flyers, and other digitally printed approaches. It not only captures the interest of the consumer but to gain additional leverage in and out of the store. These postcards have a number of advantages: · Are able to deliver more content, and add locations and contact information. · Are d

Utilize Direct Mail Marketing For Your Restaurant

Attracting Leads in a Digital World Using Direct Mail Tactics Marketing seems to be all about digital these days with websites, apps, and everything in between. So what does that mean for direct mail? You can’t search, stream, browse, or scroll through a direct mail piece like you can with online ads— BUT —you can touch them, which is something you  can’t  do with online ads. Why is that important? Being able to physically touch a unique  Restaurant Direct Mail  piece hits an emotional nerve and jump-starts the intriguing thought process. A Mailbox Versus an Inbox Ad Everything in the digital world flashes before us in the blink of an eye. So people get used to ignoring most of the online advertising they see. That doesn’t help anyone’s bottom line. Even if your mailbox receives just as much junk mail as your inbox does spam mail. However, people process their mailbox mail and their inbox email differently. What’s the first thing you do when you get your mail? You sort th

How Direct Mail Can Make An Impact With Your Non-Profit

When people think about getting the word out about non-profit organizations, they probably don’t have the term “marketing” immediately jump into their heads. But they should, because what is fundraising if not marketing from a different perspective? Indeed, if you truly want to make Direct Mail Plastic Cards work for your non-profit, you can start using a few key techniques immediately. Taking Advantage of the New Era of Non-Profit Marketing One of the most critical steps you need to take as a non-profit to improve your fundraising capabilities involves diversifying as much as possible. Yes, direct mail is a powerful tool, and plastic postcards rule the day. But don’t overlook the opportunities that cross-media marketing brings with it. You could send out a plastic postcard with a call-to-action that directs potential donors to your website, for example. You could even include information about Venmo, Paypal, or other forms of digital payment right on your direct mail pieces so