
Showing posts from August, 2022

Plastic Postcards Mailers

DynamiCard plastic postcards, with integrated pop-out promotional gift cards, are the biggest innovation in direct marketing in years. Well-executed DynamiCard campaigns have been reported to have as much as 10x higher response rates than quickly executed paper postcard campaigns. Plastic postcard mailers can be the core of 3 powerful steps – how they are noticed, how they are used, and how they are tracked — that provide solid results and constant improvements. How Plastic Postcards Are NOTICED DynamiCard uses a thick plastic stock with colorful “shiny looking” graphics, commanding immediate attention. With snap-out sections of various sizes, they seem more like a gift card; not many people would throw that out without at least a careful look. Their stylish appearance appeals to high-end customers who might ignore a regular postcard or discount coupon. You can attract more than just deal hunters. These cards can also be super-personalized, with the recipient's name or o

Reselling Laminated Plastic Postcards Can Be A Huge Profit Source

Looking for a new profit source? Reselling our plastic lamented postcards could be the opportunity you’ve been seeking. Reselling Laminated Postcard Mailers Can Be A Huge Profit Source, see more below. You already have clients that come to you for marketing materials, what if you could offer a cutting-edge product that was sure to wow? In addition, what if you didn’t have to invest in machinery or staff training? Dynamic and offers wholesale laminated mailer printing so you can resell plastic postcards to your clients and boost your profits! How Will Your Customers Use these Laminated Mailers? • Endorsing New Products – A new product means getting the word out to customers, new and old. A laminated mailer is a fun way to do this. • Holiday Specials – Today, more than ever, holiday promos are a big part of the retail market. Your customers will love having a unique way to do so. • Gift Card Promotions – Gift card mailers are hot right now. Give your customers the ability to ta

Understanding the Power of Plastic Postcards

Success in terms of marketing is all about getting the right message in front of the right person at exactly the right time – this has always been true and it likely always will be. But how do you make sure that someone actually NOTICES your message when they’re receiving more targeted advertisements than ever on a daily basis? The answer is simple: you use a format that they can’t help but pay attention to. For many brands, plastic postcard mailers ARE that format and they unlock a myriad of different advantages you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Stand Out from the Crowd One of the major benefits that direct mail collateral like plastic postcards bring to the table is that, as a format, they’re incredibly versatile. They’re the perfect opportunity to not only use targeted mailing to go after the type of people who are more likely to respond to direct mail materials in the first place but to also use personalization to make that first impression really stand out in a crowd

Don’t Let Your Direct Mail Turn Into Junk Mail

There’s absolutely nothing worse than spending hours upon hours coordinating what is objectively the best piece of direct mail company collateral you’ve ever created, only to have it wind up in someone’s trash. It’s happened to many marketers… but it doesn’t have to happen to you! At least, not anymore. If you really want to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to keep your direct mail from becoming junk mail, there are a few key things you’ll want to keep in mind along the way. Avoiding Junk Mail Curse: Your Guide One of the major reasons why people immediately toss direct mail advertisements into the trash is because of the same basic reason: bad addressing. This includes addressing your mail with phrases like “previous tenant,” “current resident,” or worse: misspelling someone’s name. This is why a clean, targeted mailing list is crucial. After all, WHO your mail accounts for approximately 40% of your campaign’s ultimate response and success. Additionally, never

How Targeting Strategies can help your Direct Mail Campaign

  A direct mail cards strategy is never something that should be created blindly. For the best results, you need to draw insight from absolutely every source that you’re exposed to – meaning not only the existing relationships that you have with your customers but the invaluable data that they’re also creating on a daily basis. With that in mind, here are a number of key ways that you can expand your targeting capabilities, thus expanding your return on investment at the exact same time. Deepen Your Targeting, Deepen Your ROI Generally speaking, two of the best ways to deepen your targeting capabilities to expand your return on investment come down to two key ideas: descriptive analytics and predictive analytics. To speak to the former, descriptive analytics involves creating a profile that describes A) the common attributes of your ideal customers, that are B) based on key demographic lookalikes that you already know about. Predictive analytics, on the other hand, is a mode